
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

20 Snacks Every Nutritionist Swears By

We all fall victims to bad snack temptations. That urge to just grab anything in sight can be difficult to avoid without planning out your snacks. We are all looking for that extra boost to keep truckin’. But not everyone is looking for a strict weight loss solution. Rather we all want that ‘feel good, taste good’ miracle snack. Nutrition is the simple part, the trick is consuming it regularly. Check out 20 snacks nutritionists feel pack the punch in a simple dose.

1. Canned fish: Tuna, salmon, sardines in water

This inexpensive snack choice is packed with protein, iron, potassium, and good unsaturated fats. A serving of canned tuna in water contains less than 1 gram of fat and about 100 calories. Extra tip: Because of its mercury content you shouldn’t eat tuna every day, but rather every three or four days, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

2. Raw Spinach: Microwaved- Eat the whole bag. Taste is awesome when cooked.

3. Canned Vegetables: Any vegetable- Eat the whole can! Canned in water & salt- delicious!

Affordable, easy and according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics just as healthy as fresh vegetables. Tip: Drain and rinse to reduce sodium. 

4. Hardboiled Egg Whites: with salt or Tabasco sauce- Amazing!

Getting rid of the yolk reduces a bulk of the calorie count. Also, no need to worry about the fat or cholesterol content.
According to Livestrong,”one large, omega-3 enriched egg…has 71 calories, while a hard-boiled egg without the yolk contains a mere 17 calories…also contains an impressive 3.6 g of protein. Protein is essential for good health, regulating all of your body’s activities including muscle contractions, nutrient transportation and electrolyte balance…According to the University of Michigan Health System, the entire cholesterol content of an egg is in the yolk…210 milligrams. The yolk also contains 1.6 grams of unhealthy saturated fat while the egg white contains no saturated fat…With the yolk, the hard-boiled egg contains .85 gram of carbohydrates. Without the yolk, the carbohydrate count drops to .24 grams.”

5. Potato: Microwaved until soft- Eat it like an apple.

This underrated starch has great benefits. Medicalnewstoday give us a breakdown, “medium potato contains 164 calories, 0.2 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 4.7 grams of dietary fiber and 4.3 grams of protein. The same serving also meets 2% of daily calcium needs, 51% vitamin C, 9% iron, 30% vitamin B-6, 12% magnesium and 25% of potassium needs. Potatoes also provide phosphorus, niacin, folate, choline and zinc.”

6. Frozen Banana: You can even eat it with the frozen peel intact!

Great alternative to ice cream. It will retain all the potassium minerals intact.

7. Sauerkraut: Eat the whole can if you want.

Immune system booster packed with iron. Great source of vitamin C and K.

8. Pickle’s: Taste great, crunchy, extremely low-calorie.

Low in fat and calories, one dill pickle can make up 1/4 cup of the recommended daily vegetable intake.

9. Coleslaw: Make it with mustard, not mayo!

The main ingredient of coleslaw is cabbage, which is a cruciferous vegetable, known for it’s cancer fighting properties

10. Carrots: Eat them right out of the bag.

Rich in Vitamin A, fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc.

11. Celery or Cucumber: Crunchy, high volume, extremely low-calorie.

12. Apples: Eat the whole thing- core, seeds, stem included!

13. Kashi: 7 whole grain puffs- eat them dry. Better than popcorn or nuts.

14. Protein shake: Protein only- no added sugar, fat or carbs

15. Yogurt: Siggi’s plain- Virtually all protein

16. Almond milk: 30 calories per cup only

17. Ice cubes: That’s right! No calories!

18. Brown rice: Eat with chopsticks- Takes forever!

19. Dry oatmeal: Why not?

20. Grapefruit: High volume, low-calorie. Peel & eat.

High in antioxidants and rich in lycopene and beta-carotene. According to USDA National Nutrient Database, “half of a medium pink grapefruit, (3 ¾ in diameter) contains approximately 52 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of sodium, 0 grams of cholesterol, 13 grams of carbohydrate (including 8.5 grams of sugar and 2 grams of dietary fiber), and 1 gram of protein…Eating half of a grapefruit per day will meet 64% of your vitamin C needs, 28% of vitamin A, 2% of calcium and 2% of magnesium.”

Note: grapefruit can interfere with certain medications, so consult your doctor before adding it to your diet.

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